LOS ANGELES, CA - Singer, songwriter and rap artist, Mic Rocca has a natural talent for all things musical. A songwriter since he was 11 years old, this native Californian has extensive experience and knowledge of the game. Mic studies the business and knows about music in general, particularly the golden era of Hip Hop, where it came from and where we are right now.
Mic’s unique style is very different to today’s typical Hip Hop, bringing creativity, stage presence and charisma while maintaining the high industry standard in his sound. Well known to Rap fans, the lyrical Mic Rocca recorded several mixtapes and performed under the name “Mic” for around seven years. In 2018, he added Rocca and this new chapter of his career began.
His single, “The Rocca Cycle” describes several different aspects of the world and the artist’s career. Similar to the rock cycle on Earth, “The Rocca Cycle” speaks of three distinct stages of Mic Rocca’s music journey and the transition between different genres that he will undertake over time. The song introduces Mic’s brand and talks about the emotion that comes from The Rocca Cycle.
Recorded in North Hollywood last August, the song also talks about the relevant topic of karma. “What goes around, come around - good or bad,” Mic said. “Karma doesn’t always have to be bad. When you do good things for people, good things come back to you.
“The Rocca Cycle” came out on Spotify and other major digital platforms in mid March as part of Mic’s EP, "Millennial Mic." The biggest song on the collection, “The Rocca Cycle” introduces to the album series of the same name. When Mic Rocca releases albums, he drops them in sets of three with three different sounds covering different topics. The artist is working on the “The Rocca Cycle” series now.
Over the years, Mic Rocca has honed his craft in the studio to become an excellent vocalist and lyricist. Once he steps up to the mic, verses flow quickly, delivered in his crisp, clear voice. Mic possesses the ability to get quality studio work done quickly with finesse. His latest work is a popular mixtape titled “Different Colored.” Written and produced by Mic, each track on the five-song collection has been streamed around 10,000 times on Soundcloud.
Interested in music for as long as he can remember, Mic Rocca went from songwriting to recording his own material at the age of 19. His biggest musical influence is Jay-Z's rapping and entrepreneurial spirit. In a similar vein, Mic’s biggest business influence is Bill Gates with his success of building from the ground up.
Hardworking and determined, Mic Rocca continues to make music that commands attention. While he works on three albums for “The Rocca Cycle” series, Mic’s preparing to release his next collection, an EP titled “Live From Cali,” on July 3.
To listen to Mic Rocca’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:
"Millennial Mic" Album