Artist Growth

  • by Emily Henderson |
  • March 04, 2025 |
  • 4 min read

Cinema Sleep Interview

Cinema Sleep is a band from Cincinnati, Ohio. The band was started back in March of 2012 and in early June of this year Cinema Sleep new album with be out. They have been hard at work in it this year putting their hart and soul into. So be on the look out for it in June and for more stuff to come.

Could you give use a brief over view of the band?
4 of the 5 members of Cinema Sleep have been together for the last 5 years or so playing in another band. Things fell apart for a while, and Cinema Sleep was formed in early 2012, releasing our first song “The Reponse” in March of 2012.

How do you like being signed with Standby records?
It’s great! We’re glad to have someone who believes in our music and wants to help us to get to the next level.

What are your thought on you label mates?
Everyone works hard to be where they are.

Are there any pet peeves you have with your band mates?
When on the road or in the studio for a long with each other, many little things start to bug you about the other guys, but you got to get past that!

Would you tell us how you got started in the music world?
We all grew up playing music, and fell in love with it and have all individually and now collectively pursued all of this.

Who is your inspiration?
There are many bands and musicians out there that we look up to. Anyone who puts in the hard work and dedication to make a living out of it inspires us.

What was the first song you remember singing?
Oh wow that’s a tough one! Akuna Matata from the Lion King

Did you have any favorite musicians you looked up to?
Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl especially.

Have you ever been in a music competition?
Oh yeah of course, we’ve all been in high school battle of the band’s and what not.

How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
Don’t panic! Nothing’s worse than looking like an idiot on stage and the whole crowd knows something’s wrong. Stay calm, figure out the problem and fix it quickly.

Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?
More excited than nervous. The only time we were all a little jittery was a few weeks ago before going on stage when we opened for Chevelle in front of a few thousand people.

What do you feel as you sing?
It’s a great feeling, especially when the crowd sings with us.

Have you ever thought, "This is what life was made for?"

Have you ever been so moved by a song that you cried? If so what was it?
Sometimes when you write a song that’s very meaningful to your life that can stir up some emotions for sure.

Do you ever get lost in the music?
Every time we pick up our instruments and play, that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

Do you plan to make music for as long as you can?
Absolutely, we want to keep this going until we physically can’t play anymore.

If you could pick anyone who would you like to do a duet with?
Justin Timberlake for sure.

If you had to listen to one artist for the rest of your life who would it be?
Not sure there’s just one we could pick.

What size venues do you like to play most?
All venues of all sizes are fun. The best shows are the ones where the crowd is right up front and super into it. Makes the show very energetic and fun.

If you weren't a musician. What would you be and why?
Something that involves helping others.

What do you like to do beside music?
Brady, our singer likes to do Graphic Design, he actually has a degree in it. We all enjoy video games; some of us like to work out daily. We all have our own things!

Who does the song writing in your band?
Brady does all of the lyrics in the music; Alex did most of the composing for the “Make Your Way” EP. The new album that will be out in June was a collective body of work by everyone in the band, mainly Brady and Alex, though.

What are your goal and dreams for your music career?
We’d like to spread our music worldwide, get to travel and see the world, and make a living out of it.

What are your thoughts on doing an album?
It’s fun, but a TON of work.

What age range would you say your music speaks to?
We’re all in our 20’s, but we can’t really pinpoint a range on it. Every one of all ages seems to enjoy it.

Growing up did you always want to be a musician or did you have another plain in mind?
All of us, in high school, is when we really thought that this is what we want to do with our lives.

What is the meaning behind your songs?
Each song has a special meaning. Collectively, we like our music to speak to everyone, saying that you don’t need to look or dress a certain way to be a Cinema Sleep fan.

How would you like the world to see you?
That we’re just 5 ordinary guys trying to spread a positive message with our music. We’d like Cinema Sleep to not only be a name, but a genre and style.

Why do you think you stick out from other artist in your genre?
We feel like we have our own sound and style that appeals to any fans of any genre of music, which is cool.

What is your thought on your fans?
They’re amazing! We thank each and every one of them and hope they can continue to support us.

How did you come to pick your stage/band name?
Brady actually came up with the name Cinema Sleep. He felt it rolled off of the tongue and fit the style of music we wanted to create.

Are there any last words you want to tell your fans and the readers?
Keep an eye out for our full-length release coming in June, as well as some music videos in the near future. We'd also like to thank our good friends at Reverend Guitars and Basses, Omega Enclosures, Aftershock Designs, Dark Horse Percussion, and TRX Cymbals.

New CINEMA SLEEP album out in early June. Stay tuned!

Cinema Sleep is a great band so if you get a chance you should check them out on one of these sites. You won’t be disappointed at all.



Youtube video:
