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  • by Starlight PR |
  • March 30, 2022 |
  • 4 min read

Tips for Radio Promotion in 2022

Radio Promotion in 2022

People have been listening to the radio for 100 years, and the platform shows no signs of slowing down now. The original form of electronic media, radio’s appeal has been consistent for decades and it still reaches more Americans than any other platform. 

According to Nielsen, which tracks data related to the various forms of media, radio reaches 92 percent of adults in the U.S. every single week – more than TV, more than smartphones and more than computers and tablets. In fact, radio is the only medium that reaches 90 percent or more of every age demographic – 18 to 34, 35 to 49 and 50 and up – each week. 

And radio has a diverse audience, too. Per Nielsen, 93 percent of teenagers age 12-17 listen to the radio each month. Among Hispanics, 99 percent age 12 and older listen each month. Among Black listeners, 98 percent 12 and over listen each month. All but three percent of women aged 18 to 49 listen each month, and all but two percent of men do the same. 

We know that the majority of radio listening happens when people are away from their home, and most happens in the car. That’s a big part of its continued success. 

“It’s free, ubiquitous and at the fingertips of virtually every consumer on the road today,” Nielsen says. 

And the rise of new technologies like smart speakers gives consumers even more ways to listen. 

So yes, radio is very much still relevant and an independent artist looking to break through needs to consider how they can use the format to promote themselves. Getting a song on the radio gives you valuable exposure, can build your fanbase and create hype for your music. But how do you do it? 

Traditionally you’d need to approach the program director or music director at a radio station and promote your music with something like a press release or just a simple phone call. Artists can create a press kit or one-sheet with links to a few songs and send those along, too. A big presence on social media can help you stand out. 

There’s a better way to guarantee your music will make it on the airwaves, though. Starlight PR offers several campaigns designed for up-and-coming artists that include radio promotion.

The 2-week awareness campaign, for instance, focuses on building awareness, social media marketing and branding. Starlight partners with well-known radio stations like Rock on Radio, Vigilantes Radio and Renegade Radio which are perfect for debuting a new single. And you’ll also be able to do a 15 to 20 minute interview or podcast to help listeners get to know you better, which is pivotal for earning new fans. 
